Wendy’s Seasons

Wendys Seasons cover

‘Wendy’s Seasons – Ideas for a Beautiful Life’ is now available.

Q: What is Wendy’s Seasons?
A: It’s Wendy Eves’ first eBook.

Here’s Wendy’s description:

Wendy’s Seasons blends ideas, stories, examples and even small projects to inspire you to create your own beautiful and joy filled life. Wendy’s Seasons will help you find the beauty that is within you and that surrounds you.  It all starts in ‘A Garden of Ideas.’ Find an idea to guide your way. In addition there are surprises. Tap a forget-me-not and it will show you a story, a thought or an example of the idea in practice. Each of ‘The Seasons’ contains something beautiful you can do to give that little extra. ‘Starlight’ is my way of thanking the beautiful people who have affected and enriched my life. Everyone of us is a star in someone’s life. It is the accumulation of little things, small actions, simple choices that will make a beautiful difference in someone else’s life. Know that you are appreciated. And finally ‘Ideas at Work’ are examples of letters, essays and projects demonstrating beauty in action.

Here’s my take: ‘Wendy’s Seasons – Ideas for a Beautiful Life’ is a gorgeous, work of love that focuses on discovering hope, beauty and happiness within the ups and downs of living your life. I watched Wendy paint her watercolour images, wearing reading glasses, holding an illuminated magnifying glass in one hand and her paintbrush in the other hand. I enjoyed watching her work with our first daughter, Jen Eves, who creatively enhanced Wendy’s drawings and then masterfully helped her mother layout every page of the book. Jen was in the final month of her second pregnancy at the time. The world is full of negative images and words, ‘Wendy’s Seasons’ is a respite from that place, it’s beautiful and positive. I know you’ll enjoy it. Grab your copy of ‘Wendy’s Seasons’ from the iTunes Store for just $1.99 and then enjoy it on your iPad on one of those grey days.

>> visit the iTunes Store – ‘Wendy’s Seasons’

Clearly, I’m a very biased fan, Wendy and I have been married for over forty years.

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